Weather Notice: Primary Health clinics may close early on Wednesday, July 24th in the case of inclement weather leading to power outages.

Drug & Alcohol Testing

nurse or doctor holding a drug testing or screening cup, alcohol testing

Drug and alcohol testing is an integral part of an employer’s risk management program. For the convenience of your employees, DOT and non-DOT drug testing can be done at all Urgent Care clinics from 8 AM - 5 PM* weekdays and 8 AM - 2 PM* on weekends. There are many options available for drug screens:

  • DOT drug screening
  • Non-DOT drug screening
  • Specimen collection only
  • 4-10 panel testing
  • Web-based drug screen management with easy access to results using eScreen 
  • Breath alcohol testing (BroadwayMeridian CrossroadsNampaNorth Caldwell)

If you're not sure which drug screen is appropriate for your business, our Occupational Health experts can help you choose the right drug test for your company, at an affordable price. 

Contact us today to learn more.

*Reasonable suspicion and work injury-related drug screens are accepted anytime during normal business hours.